Episode 345 – Survival Driving (Pt. 2 of 3): 10 Tips To "James Bond" Your Car
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legally where you are, you might want to think about putting a fixed blade knife in your
vehicle that is attached to something where you can just get to it and not have to get
to a pocket folder especially if you need to bail out of the vehicle, you want to have
your knife with you and if you've able to use something other than your pocket folder at
least, you know, you have your pocket folder with you. Okay weapon of our tip number
five is still in the weapons category. And this is one of the keeping the side which is a
taser baton. So we've we've promoted this several times to our newsletter because I
really do love this thing. It is a gosh was I think it's like a it's a
Coffee and it really measured it is about two feet two feet long. But on it has it's very
easy to grip onto with two hands. That's one of the things I like about it. The end of it
does have it does have like that kind of that Jagged Edge the the bezel the attack
bezel around it. So it's very pointed so you can use it for shoving into people's hands. It
will damage there it'll hurt their hands but it also has a taser function to it as well.
And I like this for a lot of different reasons. So one the taser is going to be very
effective at getting people to get out even intimidating if you zap that thing so that's
going to be even more effective than the bezel Jagged Edge when you're trying to stab
people, but the bezel Edge does give you something there to cut to inflict pain in case
the taser becomes non functional or something like that. So, so anyway, yeah, so
using that also it
As you reach so if people are trying to get into your back windows, then you can take
that thing and you can again with since it is longer. You can reach back there and you
can you can zap some people in behind you there. All right, so I do like I do like this
thing a lot tip number seven still kind of in the alternative weapon if you will is a fire
extinguisher and I recommend that you you should have a fire extinguisher inside of
your vehicle in case your vehicle catches on.
On fire if there's a car accident, I've told the story several times about my friend Kevin
Reeve who told me of the story about a vehicle that was overturned on a Los Angeles
freeway that had caught on fire and unfortunately a toddler died inside of the vehicle,
even though the mother was able to get out but it was no one was able to no one had a
fire extinguisher on them. So they couldn't put the fire out. There was finally somebody
that came from a
Nearby house that did have a fire extinguisher, but they didn't know how nobody knew
how to use it. So obviously you want to know how to use a fire extinguisher and I
recommend you get one that has the hose version. So it's not just the kind of like the
hairspray type can but one that has a hose on it. So this can be used for a vehicle fire