Episode 345 – Survival Driving (Pt. 2 of 3): 10 Tips To "James Bond" Your Car
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Survival Driving:
10 Tips To “James Bond” Your Car
with Jeff Anderson from https://www.WarriorLife.com/
1. Easily Accessed Handgun
• Go with appendix carry or off-body carry in
your vehicle for ease of access.
2. Extra Magazines
• Even if you’re not carrying them on your
body, you need extra magazines for your
firearm in the vehicle.
3. If You Have To Shoot...
• Shoot through the DOOR on the sides, or
AIM low on the windshield.
• You need alternative weapons (NOT pepper
spray) if you’re stopped and mobbed.
4. Knife
• If people are reaching into the vehicle,
carving and stabbing at targets of
opportunity will help discourage them.
5. Taser Baton
• If people are reaching into the vehicle, the
“stun batons” on the market are a great
• You need something with longer reach than
one of those small, square stun guns so that
you can reach the back seat area.
6. Fire Extinguisher
• Can be useful for crowd dispersal
• A fire extinguisher can also be used for
putting out fires from vehicle accidents or
even Molotov cocktails.
7. Large Nuts/Bolts
• These make great missiles that can be used
to deter pursuers.
• You can smash out side windows with them,
or even toss them from your sun roof.
8. LED Spotlight
• One of those 6,000 lumens handheld
spotlights, or one with a strobe option, can
be used to shine in the eyes of pursuers if
you’re being chased.
• In low light, these are extremely powerful.
9. Trauma Med Kit
• You need a med kit in your vehicle in case
you or a passenger are wounded.
• The kit should include...
o Tourniquet
o Celox Bandage
o Pressure Dressing
o Chest Seal
10. Have A “Get Home” Bag
• Military personnel and private contractors all
have these in their vehicles if they need to
be bug out.
• This is NOT the same as a bugout bag.
• The gear in the get-home bag is specifically
targeted toward helping you get from
wherever you are back to “home base.”