Episode 345 – Survival Driving (Pt. 2 of 3): 10 Tips To "James Bond" Your Car
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whether that is your vehicle whether it's a vehicle accident or whether somebody
throws a Molotov cocktail or something on your vehicle. It would give you the ability to
potentially put that
Put that fire out but also for crowd disbursement if you have either the side window
open or it gets busted or if you have the sunroof that we talked about and able to put
that hose out there. You can literally spray that fire extinguisher around you that is
potentially going to get people away from your vehicle. Nobody wants to be sprayed
down with a with a fire extinguisher, right? So so that is going to give you kind
It's one odd little it's kind of like smokescreen James Bond James Bond smoke screen
around your right. Okay. Now what if you're being chased so in our in our final episode
we're going to talk about escaping evasion driving specifically, but from a gear
perspective tip number seven here is to have a small bag of large nuts and bolts the
kind that you can get at Home Depot, but you want to get like really really large heavy
And this is something that I learned from experience because when I was younger I
was out I was with my family I'm talking about when I was a child and there was a road
rage incident that my family went through where there was a very radical driver that
was literally trying to like force our family off of a bridge that was going over the river.
And this was this was at night. It was very dark out didn't see who it was or anything.
But this person would they were Relentless they were they were driving radically. They
weren't they weren't bumping our car, but they were trying to like wedge us over and
we were on a bridge. So all of us kids were afraid in the in the backseat. My father was
in the front driver's seat. My mom was in the passenger seat, and he I don't know what
made him think about it, but he reached under the seat and we were my dad used to
take me fishing.
And we had gone deep-sea fishing and he had some deep sea sinkers those lead
weights those big lead ways their means for it's meant for deep sea fishing underneath
the vehicle and he grabbed one and as the vehicle was alongside of us and wedging
and kind of moving us over. I remember him taking that lead weight and throwing it as
hard as he could at the passenger side window. The guy was on the left side of us and
I remember that shattering that window and the person
top their vehicle and we were able to drive off and get out of the area. But I remember
that very vividly obviously but so ever since then I mean not ever since then since I
started driving really thinking tactically I've kept a small bag of jagged like large bolts
and and and nuts there as well for that type of a situation if needed so they can be