Episode 345 – Survival Driving (Pt. 2 of 3): 10 Tips To "James Bond" Your Car
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you're trying to escape mobs, but it is a small bag that you would have that has specific
gear inside of it that can can continue to help you to escape and evade any sort of civil
unrest mobs rioters things like that. The our screen bag is a sling pack because for
Specific reasons it gives us easier access to the material that's inside of it. There's also
has a compartment inside of it kind of a hidden compartment for handgun in it. So I
often times specially if I'm wearing clothes if I'm going to the beach and I don't Contra
necessarily where my concealed handgun on my body that has this compartment
inside of our bag bag for the scram bag for specifically for the handgun and it's easily
accessible because it's a sling pack.
Can pretty quickly bring it from from back to front where I don't have to take it off of my
shoulders. So but you want to have some sort of a dump bag there. It's going to have
some just want to throw some some what I have inside of it are some carb gels for
keeping up energy some water in there some things that you can quickly use to be
able to escape and evade the area very specific gear goes inside of that. Okay, but
you want to have something that if you do need a bail out of the vehicle.
You have something you can grab and go with that's going to help you to continue your
Escape. Okay? All right, so that that's those are my top 10 tips here for James bonding
your vehicle and I want to know what did I miss here? What would you suggest having
as additional gear inside of your vehicle or as tactics are going to help you in a mobile
threat there you might where you might be have have to escape and evade mob rioters
or if you get stuck.
By a mob and rioters and I'd like to know from you go ahead and leave us a comment
on the blog where you see this episode or you can go over to Warrior life tips.com and
you can leave it there and if we end up using your tip in a future broadcast or in our
video channel, then we will also send you a free. Thank you gift in the mail as well on
the next episode. We're going to talk about your driving skills and how to escape being
chased or even stopped by a mob and surrounded. Yes, there are things that you can
do to drive away from
From the threats here and until then please go ahead and don't be shy leave us a
comment and rate us wherever you get this podcast and you're enjoying it. Give us
those five stars to let us know that you're loved and what you're hearing. All right until
our next episode. This is Jeff Anderson saying prepare train and survive.