Episode 345 – Survival Driving (Pt. 2 of 3): 10 Tips To "James Bond" Your Car
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Is 3M shielding you want to be able to see through it. So again you want you want to
give yourself the best opportunity for escape if you're able to break away from that
crowd now if you have to fire through the windshield since it is tempered it is not going
to shatter like a side window will but you are still going to have some
So what do you call it? Like spidering of outside of where the bullet goes in? And again
if you have to drive away, you don't want to you don't want to take away from your own
Vision be able to get out of the area. So if you do have to fire through your windshield
for personal defense, you want to aim low with it so down as close to the down to the
dashboard as possible because of the angle of the windshield it is going to deflect the
it's most likely going to deflect the path of the bullet what the tests that I've seen where
you actually shoot through the windshield. They they end up going up because of the
angle. So just know that there is going to be a deflection there where you shoot is not
necessary or where your aim is not necessarily where the bullet is going to go and
again that could hit an innocent bystander. So you have to really make sure that these
are life-or-death type scenarios. Also when you do aim low there again if it's spiders
out with
In your windshield at least you're not trying to look through a bullet hole to be able to
drive out of the area. Are you have lots of spiral spidering in Your Vision there? So
keep it as low as possible there. Okay. Alright tip number four, you're going to need
alternative weapons. You don't want pepper spray to be one of them. So if you are
stopped and you're surrounded by a mob and they start if you break out the pepper
spray again, you might be able to get some people away from you, but you are
potentially going to blind yourself as
As well and again, you might not be able to get out of the area. You can you can run
into an obstacle and stop your vehicle. And then once again, you're you're in the
clutches of a mob you could hit somebody innocent as you're trying to drive out of the
area. So pepper spray is not advisable inside of the vehicle. So you need alternative
weapons here tip number four is very simply a knife. Now. Most people do carry most
people that think tactically at all carry a knife on them. So if you do have people
reaching into your vehicle, you do have a knife that you can
You can slash and try and keep them from getting inside of the vehicle that is going to
be one of the more obvious things. But you do again need to make sure that it is easily
accessible so that you can get to it. This is also something you can keep inside of the
vehicle. That is something like a fixed blade that you don't have to open. You don't
need room for you don't have to think about it. If you're able to have fixed blade knives