Episode 345 – Survival Driving (Pt. 2 of 3): 10 Tips To "James Bond" Your Car
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thrown out of a side window they can also if you do have a vehicle as chasing behind
you and
Have a sunroof you can take them and throw them kind of out and behind you through
the sunroof and it might possibly hit their windshield. It might scare them off. It might
you know, whatever. It might just piss them off. But nonetheless it is one way that you
might be able to have some something there that can give you some sort of a
distraction or a way to break a break a windshield break a side window or something
like that. All right tip number 8
I did learn through personal experience that a lot of bad guys don't like being blinded.
So when I lived in when I lived in New Mexico, I was in a highly populated gang area
and had to deal with gang members relatively often right outside of my house. They
would just stop sometimes and just decide to Hoot and Holler outside of my home and
one of the things that I found was that an LED spotlight like a back then we didn't have
Of LED, but it was had like a million candlepower Spotlight like a marine Spotlight. We
had kind of like the the trigger like the handle on it like a like a pistol grip on it and it
was a it was very powerful and I use that more than a couple of times to be able to
Spotlight them in get them get the gangbangers out of the road now. They didn't know
if I had which I did I had a handgun on me. They didn't know what I had but I was able.
Able to basically just tell them I'm armed you they didn't know whether I was or not, but
they took me at my word you guys need to clear out of here and just blinding them and
they were they would get in their vehicle and they would leave so when you're being
chased, this is something also that you could possibly use to be able to Blind
somebody behind you. Now, they have led versions that are even brighter than what I
had before they are they can be charged in the vehicle their reach.
Chargeable you can plug them into the cigarette lighter. They make them up to about
six thousand lumens. There are some that have strobe options on them as well that
you can use to do it this way you can so you can shine it in somebody's eyes. They're
being chased where they were they're not able to see and it might back them off
because they're unable to see it might cause them to get in an accident and again,
somebody can really get killed. So this you got to you have to understand that this is a
very dangerous scenario.
Oh and you've only you would only use this if it were a life-or-death situation you were
being chased down and you needed to really Escape their they could run into an
innocent bystander. You don't know what can happen here. So but that LED spotlight