Episode 345 – Survival Driving (Pt. 2 of 3): 10 Tips To "James Bond" Your Car
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make sure that your vehicle itself is hardened against an attack to really give you the
best chance of Escape if you're ever attacked in it.
In this episode we're going to go over kind of had a James Bond your vehicle's defense
plan and I have 10 escape-and-evasion gear and tactical suggestions that you can use
to defend yourself in a real Attack when you are inside of your vehicle. Now, the first
thing I have to say here is that we are talking about very dangerous items here. We're
talking about very dangerous tactics. So please know that someone could be seriously
injured or killed if you use some of these
Questions, maybe even an innocent bystander or even someone that you know and
love inside of your vehicle. These are meant for real life or death scenarios where you
have no other option out there but to fight back to be able to escape a very dangerous
situation. So please know that these are not these are not just fun things. I mean, it's
kind of given it, you know, the James Bond spin here, but just know that these are very
serious things. This is not fantasy stuff. These are things that
that in one case a couple cases I've had to use I've used similar exact things that we've
talked about here. But this is real life. This is real-life stuff and just know that there are
real life consequences to some of these actions. Okay. Alright. So let's go ahead and
jump into a here starting with the most obvious, which is tip number one is to make
sure that you have an easily accessed handgun. Now I say easily access because
people who do concealed carry
If you have it on your person, sometimes people will wear it in a place that is not really
all that accessible inside of a vehicle. Now. This is going to vary upon you your own
size the vehicle size, but if you are carrying and your your back right hip
It might not be advantageous where you might have to really move your body in a
certain angle. You might have people reaching into your vehicle trying to pull you out.
You want an a handgun that is easily accessible. So if you're carrying it on your body, I
usually find appendix carry to be a lot better there. I actually have use off body carry in
my vehicle. So when I have it, I have it in a separate holster in my vehicle so that I can
just reach and grab it. But you do want to have something that he's is easily accessible
so you can
Can get to it very quickly if you are ever attacked in your vehicle.
Tip number two is to have extra magazines in your vehicle. Even if you don't carry
these on your person, I know we talked about how you why you should carry extra
magazines on you and I do believe in that but even if it is something that you don't