Episode 345 – Survival Driving (Pt. 2 of 3): 10 Tips To "James Bond" Your Car
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It's time to James Bond the family minivan. Let's talk tactics.
Hey there, wha’s up warriors, it’s Jeff Anderson from Warrior life.com and welcome to
podcast episode number 345 and this is the second in our three-part series on Survival
driving during times of civil unrest now, if you missed the first episode The reason why
we're doing this is really because there's some dangerous stuff that could be
happening out there here very soon. If you're not following the news officer Derek
shogun's trial is underway for the death of George Floyd.
There have already been some missteps by the project by the prosecution's team of
lawyers. I don't know which way this is going to go we never know which way these
types of Trials are going to go officers are usually given a lot of latitude. This is a very
extenuating circumstances. In this case. We just never know where these types of
Trials are going to end up if you remember the death of George Floyd itself sparked a
few months of
Riots, and if this trial does end up with an innocent verdict, I think you and I can expect
and even more chaotic response perhaps in a lot more areas of the country than just
where the trial is. So as we saw in the past protests in the riots being on the road is a
very dangerous place and a lot of people will get into the mode where they just feel like
everything's fine in their areas, but you might be caught by surprise in any number of
threatening scenarios if you become targeted by
Protesters out there because you look a certain way your vehicle looks a certain way.
You've got certain bumper stickers. It could even be a road rage incident the highway
because you are identified maybe with a bumper sticker that identifies you as the
enemy during these types of politically motivated or race motivated or anything where
there's like a common enemy and there is no rule of law going on in certain times.
It could even be armed roadblocks of protesters like we saw in Atlanta after the
Richard Brook shooting and I covered that in episode number 342
So this this three-part series is really to help give you some some really kind of no BS
tactics prep work, tools gadgets gizmos things that you can do to escape and evade
any sort of a mobile threat when you're out there even during times of civil unrest now
in the first episode of this series. I did talk about the prep steps that you can take to