Episode 345 – Survival Driving (Pt. 2 of 3): 10 Tips To "James Bond" Your Car
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normally do you can have some extra magazines inside of your vehicle. You can have
it in the console and be in between your the driver side and the passenger side. There
might be other pouches that you could have or underneath your vehicle. I'm sorry
underneath your seat someplace where you can
Have them easily accessible so that if you do end up blowing through your magazines
for your for your handgun you have additional ones there also these types of protest
there could be multiple people in the area be multiple multiple attackers situation most
likely so you're going to need as much ammo as possible. So I would say have extra
magazines in your vehicle that you just keep their even if it's even if you don't keep
them typically on your person. Alright, so let's go ahead and
And stick with tip number three, let's talk a little bit about the tactics about using a
weapon there. So let's say that you are stopped and you do have to fire outside of your
vehicle because people are trying to get you out or trying to get inside of your vehicle.
If you do have to shoot I recommend that you if you're shooting off to the side, of
course this you have to be very very careful about other people inside of your vehicle
friendlies, but if you have to shoot I recommend that you shoot through the door on the
sides if you shoot
Through the side window is most likely going to shatter and it's going to then make you
even more of a target for being pulled out of your vehicle. Now we've seen real life
shootings that have happened where a mob had stopped a vehicle. This was in an I
think was an Irish funeral. I don't even think they have this video up anymore. I might
have downloaded it. I'm going to try and see if I have that but where a mob was trying
to pull two officers out.
I don't know if their officers are military, but trying to pull them out of the vehicle. The
officers did pull out a weapon and shot and everybody just ran away from the vehicle
and it was almost like a vacuum. They just ran right. They went right back to the
vehicle ended up pulling them out and killing them. So a handgun is not a magic
Talisman about against being able to be pulled out of your vehicle. So you don't want
to have your you know, you don't want to be the one breaking your own side windows
out. So if you do have to fire
Those bullets should go through the door so you can shoot through the door and it's
not going to damage your window. Now one thing if you do have the 3M shielding on
that I talked about in the last episode that could stop it from actually being shattered,
but it might make it inoperable. It might make it easier for somebody to bust through it.
I still recommend shooting through the door if possible there. The other thing is that if
you are not shattering that window if it